Exactly what Americans, Yugoslavians, French, Malaysians, Canadians, Syrians, Iranians, etc... do during Ramadhan. If they are Muslim, they fast. If not, they go on with their lives.
One of the little known facts about Islam is that is was sent to all people, and in reality is a very global religion. Not many know that the majority of Muslims come from Malaysia, not Saudia Arabia.
2006-09-20 11:10:09 UTC
Well Russian people can fast to, maybe to emphasise what the third world is like and how pre-Islamic Arabia drove the Prophet (pbuh) to fast. Fasting is the rememberence and Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) who was furious one day after witnessing Muslims commiting major sins.
Also if there are Muslims in Russia then they should check from the nearest Mosque when Ramadhan begins, If there arnt no Mosques or if the Mosque's are too far then they are able to view the moon themselves or search it on specielist websites.