Do you think narcissism is the underlying reason for many mental illnesses?
2012-05-31 12:35:53 UTC
I'm asking here as I would like to see the users of this section reply.

To narcissists, people are tools. And while they may not admit it, they also have low self esteem, but many tackle this by creating a false image of themselves in their heads.
They're also manipulative and exploitive and have a tendency to lie or exaggerate reality. These are traits found in other mental illnesses like certain types of depression.

"Narcissism, in lay terms, basically means that a person is totally absorbed in self. The extreme narcissist is the center of his own universe. To an extreme narcissist, people are things to be used. It usually starts with a significant emotional wound resulting in a major trauma of separation/attachment. He has a major attachment dysfunction. The extreme narcissist is frozen in childhood. He became emotionally stuck at the time of his major trauma of separation/attachment.

This trauma was devastating to the point it almost killed that person emotionally. In order to survive, this child had to construct a protective barrier that insulates him/her from the external world of people. He generalized that all people are harmful and cannot be trusted.

The protective insulation barrier he constructed is called a false persona. He created a false identity. This identity is not the true person inside."

What do you think?
Twelve answers:
2012-06-02 04:37:23 UTC
Narcissism is the true state of human nature. It is the triumph of the id over societies collective morality (super-ego or conscience). A narcissist is in a sense a beta-sociopath in that they are behaving primarily through their will without any filter usually to the expense of everyone else. Societies as they evolve require a repression of our true selves (complete, insinctual self-interest; narcissism) in order for all of us to get along and thus function. This creates the perpetual tension within the individual. Or as Thoreau called it "mans quiet desperation." (see Freuds Das Unbehagen in Der Kultur). A narcissist is one who has not internalized societies moral and ethical behaviour paradigm to a nebulously ill-defined extent and instead acts as he pleases by means of his own sense of self-preservation. In effect a narcissist is someone who is being utterly true to hirself while everyone else are the actual phonies acting out of false self. The complete opposite of what the DSM theology suggests. Labeling narcissism a root of further mental illness is quite literally propaganda in the same sense as sin in religion. Its agenda is to reinforce conformity. "Proper behaviour" is utterly a non-empiracal, subjective concept. (who decides what is right and wrong and why them?) Psychiatry has long been said by great thinkers to be "the disease it purports to treat." Meaning through the power of suggestion it itself is the primary driver of severe neurosis to a much higher degree than conflict of wills between the individual and the collective.

For example suppose that a psychiatrist theorizes that type II diabetes is actually a psychological symptom of sexual identity confusion and repression. Which is not far fetched to what they do. What affect do you supposes that idea will have on the mental health of a diabetes patient if an authority figure convinces them they are deeply and fundemetally flawed, in need of lifelong therapy and anti-psychotic medication? It itself manifests the psychological disturbance by implanting the idea of maladaption in the subject.

The IPA/APA assume the role of the philosopher king and the high priests all in one. Characterizing severe arrogance and utter lack of empathy as not only inherently wrong behaviour but a signifier of deep rooted maladjustment is nothinng more than an elaborate form of political correctness. We could easily label, say, belief in reincarnation as severe psyhosis. The only reason they do not is due to a fear of backlash and loss of authoritative status in the public mind. Case in point the staus of homosexuality as a mental illness and its subsequent and sudden reversal over public outcry.

If you must contemplate the ethical paradigms of human behaviour start by dropping pop-psych and picking up a philosophy book. Specifically Schopenhauer, Satre and kierkeguaard. Better yet a science book. Otherwise you're going to be on a very dark, chaotic and confused path to nowhere studying the sophmoric glorified-palm-reading tripe that is the field of psychology.
2016-05-17 09:20:56 UTC
Perhaps your question is more about whether the word 'delusion' means a mental illness? There are different nuances to the word - for example, from the Oxford English Dictionary "Anything that deceives the mind with a false impression; a deception; a fixed false opinion or belief with regard to objective things, esp. as a form of mental derangement. " No talk about something being indisputable, only objectivity. You could therefore argue that the basis for christianity, the bible, when faced with objective truths (like the impossibility of a worldwide flood and the saving of all the world's animal species in one boat), is filled with faleshoods and deludes its readers. But the point is that a delusion doesn't have to be a mental illness; that's an extreme and psychiatric definition of the word.
2012-06-01 12:47:10 UTC
I'm not sure. I think everyone is narcissistic to some degree. None of us grow up perfectly. So we all still retain some of those two-year-old traits, think tge world revolves around us, think that when were in pain it's the world outside that needs fixing.

So i think everyone could use some help in this regard. There are many degrees of severity which cover npd, bpd and sociopathy. A lot of disorders.

But then there's a lot of disorders that can be chemicle in nature and maybe don't have to do with arrested development like bipolar disorder or depression.

Most drug addictions and vices have narcissism at there core i think.
David I
2012-05-31 12:42:35 UTC
No i think ingratitude is the underlying reason for self induced mental illness.

Whats your definition of "mental illness" ?

Dont we all have "personas" thats where we get personality from, dont we all have "personalities"?

If you are on the outside what you are not on the inside, we call that hypocrisy.

The narcissist hasnt understood his true nature, what it means to be human. This could be due to lack of education, or simply trauma, but for some reason they dont think they are in the same boat as all of us.

You can solve a lot of pyschological problems if you get a grasp of ones true nature, i.e what are we doing here, where did we come from and where are we going.

The educated man wont be frozen in childhood because hell have deeper meanings to the events that got him there.

The educated man wont crave separation, he'll see that cooperation will lead to flourishing family, community and wider society

The educated man wont be stuck in time for hell understand the Qadr of Allah.

The educated man would put his Lord at the centre of the universe and humble himself to the reality of his insignificance

Muslims dont esteem the self. The self is to be tamed and conquered eventually perhaps with years of effort. The self is causing the narcissism. Why would you want to boost that ?

Have to thank Allah for Islam and say Alhumdulillah as much as one can.
2016-02-12 10:18:23 UTC
If you are experiencing anxiety or have an anxiety disorder, you may want to try alternative therapies. The basic goal of alternative therapy is to improve your general health and relieve specific symptoms with few or no side effects. Learn here

Alternative therapies can be helpful in reducing anxiety, but it may take some time before you see results. If you are having a panic attack or other severe symptoms of anxiety, alternative therapy alone will probably not be enough. Alternative therapies often work best when used along with traditional treatment like medication and counseling. It’s always best to consult your doctor before beginning an alternative treatment program, especially one that includes herbal remedies. Some of these can have serious side effects, and some can be harmful if combined with certain prescription medications.
2012-05-31 12:45:17 UTC
No. I think you have described the mental illness of psychopaths who are indeed high on the scale of narcissism but not people who are bipolar, have post traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and several other things.

The false persona thing is interesting. It suggests a person has been programmed to be someone he really is not and the true person underneath is in distress.
2012-05-31 13:11:55 UTC
No, narcissism is one part of psychopathy.

There are four parts of causes of mental illness.

1. Trauma - physical or by self reasoning.

2. Psychopathy/ego.

3. food/chemical intolerance.

4. Jinn external causes by electromagnetic and such.


5. fear.

So five altogether.
Some Old Geezer
2012-05-31 12:54:14 UTC
Mental problems are less likely when a person has to fight for survival every day. Some mental problems are the luxury of too easy a way of life. You could call it narcissism or a lack of any motivation to find an external focus. I do not suggest that would be true of *many* conditions regarded as mental illnesses, but some.
2012-05-31 13:07:33 UTC
it seems nothing is ever a persons fault. Its always blamed on "tramatic experiences" or "mental disease" what it really is, is that person chooses to do evil deeds because he is a follower of shaitan. the end. People need to stop blaming everything else but themselves for the evil things they do.

If this definition is true, then if we follow it, how can ever punish anybody in the world and call it justice? i mean they are suffering from a mental illness right...?
2017-02-11 00:15:52 UTC
2012-05-31 12:44:30 UTC
No. Just no.
2012-05-31 13:15:06 UTC

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