I have a friend who believes that Islamic Conquer of the world is Mandatory ....?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I have a friend who believes that Islamic Conquer of the world is Mandatory ....?
Twelve answers:
2010-05-04 13:28:09 UTC
lol well i believe he's just's not something that will or can happen..we know alamat alsa'a and that is not one of them :)

I also believe in ppl have their own choice to choose .. i don't think forcing anyone to be muslim is a good idea ..because forcing them will only make them hate it even more and resent it ..islam is to be follwed and not just said as a wordislam is to believe god is one..and mohamad is his messenger and to believe in the quran.. that is what makes someone a muslim in heart .. if they don't believe it inside them then why just label them as "muslims"?

just for an ego boost? not a smart thing
2010-05-04 14:41:37 UTC
The problem with Islam is that Mohammad made it mandatory for all Muslims to fight in the Jihad till there was no more "tumult" and only the Religion of Allah or Islam ruled the World. He did this by pretending to be Allah speaking through his lips and telling the Muslims that they must all fight, whether they like it or not, because Allah knows whats best. If you don't know about the many ayats that say this and even spell out that the Muslim may not take any kaffir for a friend and if one does that he/she should be counted among the kaffir [for extermination]; ... then, I suggest that you - Read Koran.

After the defeat of the Muslims in the Crusades and the fall of all their Islamic Caliphates etc, people forgot that Islam was a maniac Cult and started treating them as human beings. They let them live among them and let them build their mosques and follow their religion without any hindrance; not knowing the danger of the Reality of Islam.

Technically, according to the basic tenets of Islam, the Muslims shall not take the wali or protection of the kaffir. This means that they shall not live in such lands as don't have the Muslim Shari'a and are governed by kaffir law.

Yet, the Muslims, who had changed their strategy, used the passages of the Koran that say that the practice of al taqiyya or deception is permissible against the kaffir and that the Muslim may employ this to lull the kaffirs till such time as their number grow and then they were to betray the kaffirs when the Jihad was called.

What your friend said is merely the thing that he was taught by his Imam and his Imam was able to say this because it is there in your Koran.

Till recently, most of the kaffirs had forgiven the Muslims for their genocides of the people of Assyria, Babylonia, Chaldea, Egypt, Mandea, Persia, Yemen and Gandhara. In case you're wondering what I'm talking about, today, you know these places as Kuwait, Iraq, of course Egypt you know, Iran and Afghanistan.Mohammad and his Sahaba and the Caliphs who followed had committed the genocide of all these people to replace them with their Arab and mercenary desert tribes like the Pashtu who replaced the Buddhists of Gandhara after slaughtering them all.

After the Crusades, people forgot about what the Muslims had done and thought that they had changed.

Despite the fact that the Muslims, again showed their true colors in wresting Pakistan from Hindustan or India; and the many atrocities they heaped upon the minorities in Egypt, Malaysia and Indonesia, the people of the World kept pardoning them and telling them to change their ways.

The Jews, who had lost the 12 Tribes of Ishmael whom Mohammad and his Sahaba had slaughtered, the Hindus who had fought the Muslims for centuries like the Sikhs and the Rajputs etc; kept warning all of us that the Muslims were not to be trusted and we did not listen and kept giving the Muslims chance after chance to improve themselves.

Since there was no change being shown by the Muslims, despite all the chances given, the patience began wearing thin and then, we had the Palestinians, the al Queda and the Taliban who were the last straw.

Today, the whole World knows what Islam is all about and the whole World is now preparing itself for the Final War or the Final Crusade or the World War 3, whatever you wish to call it; to put an end to this madness, once and for all.

Whether you like it or not, the anti-Islamic Political Parties have begun to rise. All over the World, nobody supports the Muslims any more and everyone looks upon the Muslims with disgust and distrust. By the end of the decade or two, the all out War against Islam will have been done and, as any fool can see, the Muslims are no match for the Opposition. Nothing can change this, now; because it is the culmination of the centuries of incessant violence and senseless killing that Islam has done which has earned it this belated reaction and as slow as it had been building up, it will be equally slow for it to abate.

People like your friend are the cause of all this and till all these Muslims are done away with, we will have no Peace. Naturally, you cannot expect all the rest of us to sit back and watch these madmen carry on with their insane Agenda for World Domination, so, well, they asked for it, now, they are going to get it.

Pity that a lot of other Muslims who do not want that will, also, be casualties and collateral damage, but then, it's the War that the Muslims started, as usual.


Well, your own Muslims have clarified why the Muslims must fight their Jihad and even quoted from the Koran to support it. This is why they will all be the targets of the rest of us. Soon the War will be launched on the enemy - both foreign and domestic, and we are becoming increasingly aware that our foolishness has allowed our enemies grow in our own domestic front, so, those will not be treated as non-combatants and will be the first one to be dealt with. This is where the lack of intelligence of the Muslims who blindly follow their "Faith" is going to be their undoing.

Their days are now numbered.

Why do you think that so many Muslims, an average of 6 million a year are starting to leave Islam, today? Because they don't want to be caught in the crossfire and they don't want to be associated with those Losers..
2010-05-04 14:20:09 UTC
I think you need to study your own imperialist history, that is what I think. Islam has always been a militant religion.
2016-04-14 08:10:11 UTC
In 55 years of my life, I have never had a non believing friend ever move in any way towards any religion. If anything, most have become somewhat more resistant to such a thing, due to their greater accumulated knowledge about the absurdity of all religions. Religious people love to push the myth of the atheist who joins their faith. It's so rare an event, that it is becomes noteworthy because it is so rare. Meanwhile, those same believers ignore the veritable floods of their former fellow believers leaving their religion for atheism, while focusing on the very rare shifting atheist. That, of course, is a display of dishonesty.
Butterfly Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
2010-05-04 14:55:57 UTC
I think there are way too many Muslims who think like your friend. Unfortunately I do believe the 3rd world war is going to be between Muslims and everyone else because there are too many Islamic nations that want the same thing your friend wants. By then though hopefully Christ will return and we won't have to worry about it.

Don't fool yourself because if Muslims try to take over there will always be war on Islam because no country and no non-Muslim is going to stand by and let that happen.
2010-05-04 13:39:22 UTC
Well first off, this has already been tried at one point, i think its called the crusades, different religion but still the same concept applies. Even if this was to come true, lets play add up the statistics...( i have no idea when these statistics where made )

Christianity: 2.1 billion

Islam: 1.5 billion

Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion

Hinduism: 900 million

Chinese traditional religion: 394 million

Buddhism: 376 million

primal-indigenous: 300 million

African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million

Sikhism: 23 million

Juche: 19 million

Spiritism: 15 million

Judaism: 14 million

Baha'i: 7 million

Jainism: 4.2 million

Shinto: 4 million

Cao Dai: 4 million

Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million

Tenrikyo: 2 million

Neo-Paganism: 1 million

Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand

Rastafarianism: 600 thousand

Scientology: 500 thousand

now here we see that Islam is the 2nd largest religion, now in order for the islamic people to stand up and conquer the world , effectively starting world war 3, they will all need to be trained like the Israeli military, the only country that can measure their wars in days,

then you need to over come the insurgency problem ,.... plus when we come to the large superpower nations, like the US , China, India, Pakistan, They will prove very hard to take over without MASSIVE casualties.

So in the end, If this was to happen. You'd need someone charismatic and a smart strategist like all the great leaders combined.

So it is impossible.

Not religious in the least, im tolerant of others religions and everything as long as its not pushed on me. this is all from a historical perspective.
2010-05-04 14:37:54 UTC
Well since no one gave relevant answers except a few i'll try to help :).

When the mehdi and Isa(as) are sent by Allah peace will spread over the earth and everyone will be muslims, that is until mehdi dies and they return to evil. Islam should rule the world though i don't know if the muslims are. If muslims wanted to take over world by Allah's will we surely could though many would have to die because they are lewd ingrates unto Allah.It is not wrong to go to war against evil doing people. I'll tell ya why, because the west and their affiliates not only promote and not only disbeleif but, gayness,drinking,killing,obesity, and everykind of evil you could think of there is a difference between secretly doing evil and coming out as super power trying to run the world's affairs like america does. I personally think many americans should plain out die like the animals Allah did not create them to be. They have even invented secularism completly opposite of oslam and threaten islam to it's core. They say we threaten them but they Do so much evil sometimes it's hard to think that bombings are wrong, for surely if muslims left america I think the Mighty the Wise would punish them with direst punishment and muslims could jutst sit back and watch. Muslims are the only reason i beleive that Allah has not sent a huge earthquake to obliterate every kuffar. Yet they persecute us and many are opposed to Allah and call religion a disease, well let's see what Allah says.

Al-Hashr [59:4] That is because they were opposed to Allah and His messenger; and whoso is opposed to Allah, (for him) verily Allah is stern in reprisal.

Pretty soon jihad will be obligatory on every muslim if Kuffar attack muslim nations and muslim area's i think it's just a matter of time. here is proof we will have to fight if they do so.

Al-Baqara [2:191] And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.

and whoever doesnt will be sinners

Al-Mumtahina [60:9] Allah forbiddeth you only those who warred against you on account of religion and have driven you out from your homes and helped to drive you out, that ye make friends of them. Whosoever maketh friends of them - (All) such are wrong-doers.
2010-05-04 13:27:02 UTC
I think the idea is not bad. What do you think?
2010-05-04 13:32:09 UTC
We have the kaffir scared to say anything about us, in the uk their own laws protect us while we take their country froms them
2010-05-04 13:49:00 UTC
Either THAT or the 'New World Order" of the Zionist regime that has been producing the following consequences (many which go unnoticed)

====DO READ WITH CAUTION===========

25,000 children die every day around the world due to poverty related issues (hunger)

QURAN 9: 75. And of them are some who made a covenant with Allah (saying): "If He bestowed on us of His Bounty, we will verily, give Sadaqah (Zakat and voluntary charity in Allahs Cause) and will be certainly among those who are righteous."

Zakat (Charity) One of the five pillars of Islam which makes it obligatory upon every financially sound muslim to donate "atleast" 2.5 % of their annual savings in charity. If every man in the world today start giving atleast 2.5 % of their savings in charity then no human would die out of hunger.

Islam has got solution to all the problems of humanity...!!!

Islam has got that socio-economical-political and environmental system which the world needs today and the world (people from all faiths) has flourished under that system for hundreds of years before the advent of hypocrisy and capitalist society where rich becomes richer and poor becomes poorer....


Fruit of Capitalism: Inequitable Distribution of Resources

According to recent report by UN Food Agency, 1.02 billion people around the world do not get enough food. That is, one in every six people remains malnourished. This is one of the fruits of capitalism, where wealth remains concentrated with few individuals who keep on making more wealth from their existing wealth while a majority of people keeps on struggling for their basic needs. According to Forbes magazine, top ten richest people in the world have the following estimated amount of wealth, which is more than enough to feed 1 billion hungry people for more than one year:

1. Bill Gates, $40 billion (Richest American)

2. Warren Buffett, $37 billion (American billionaires)

3. Carlos Slim Helu, $35 billion (Richest Mexican)

4. Lawrence Ellison, $22.5 billion (American billionaire)

5. Ingvar Kamprad, $22 billion (Richest Swedish man)

6. Karl Albrecht, $21.5 billion (Richest German)

7. Mukesh Ambani, $19.5 billion (Richest Indian)

8. Lakshmi Mittal, $19.3 billion (Indian Billionaire)

9. Theo Albrecht, $18.8 billion (German billionaire)

10. Amancio Ortega, $18.3 billion (Richest Spanish man)

World is in need of an alternative financial/economic system, which would ensure the equitable distribution of resources.

The quranic system of Infaaq, Zakat, Sadqa, Circulation of Wealth and No hoarding of money ensures that no one on the earth lives hungry.


ABORTION: 1.5 million children are killed in the womb every year in united states

A complete spontaneous abortion at about six weeks from conception, i.e. eight weeks from LMP

QURAN 17: 31 And kill not your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Surely, the killing of them is a great sin.


DRUG ADDICTION : Drug addiction is one of the most common diseases in the United States. It is estimated that over nine million Americans need drug treatment, making addiction more prevalent than coronary heart disease and stroke and as prevalent as cancer. Addiction exacts an enormous burden on the nation, costing an estimated $69 billion in lost productivity, $12 billion in health care costs and $10 billion in spending on child welfare systems. There are more than 9,000 drug-induced deaths each year; and 25% of the nation's AIDS cases result from injection drug use. Further, drug related arrests have significantly contributed to the doubling of the nation's incarceration rate since 1985.

In Qur’an there is a solution where we read: “be not cast by your own hands to ruin; and do good. Lo! Allah loveth the beneficent.” (Al-Baqarah:195). S

In another verse, Almighty Allah says: “And do not kill yourselves.” (An-Nisaa’: 29). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “Whomsoever drinks poison, thereby killing himself, will sip this poison forever in the Hell-Fire.”


1.5 million people slit their wrist, shoot their heads in U.S. every year

U.S. Suicide Statistics (2005)

Actual Suicides

1.3% of all deaths are from suicide.

On average, one suicide occurs every 16 minutes.

Suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death for all Americans.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people aged 15-24 year olds.

(1st = accidents, 2nd = homicide)

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for 25-34 year olds.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students.

More males die from suicide than females.

(4 male deaths by suicide for each female death by suicide.)

More peop
2010-05-04 13:33:13 UTC
Islam will conquer the world because the the truth spreads in the wind to everybody who is able to hear.

We do not need to attempt to conquer anyway and the reality is that we could not if we wanted to.
2010-05-04 13:32:30 UTC
Your friend is wise.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.