Is, I was following orders, an option?
Life Guru
2009-09-06 22:11:01 UTC
If you don't interpret the Quran yourself as per the Hukum of God then what you really will be doing is choosing a tafseer written by an "aalim" based on hearsay and declare the other aalims as deviant again based on hearsay, because its impossible to be an expert on interpreting aalims without interpreting and verifying the Quran yourself.

The other option which is promoted by who else but "aalims" is taqleed (following orders) which is basically the abandonment of the belief uniquely reserved for the belief in one God and just believe in an "aalim" that is follow his or her orders.

In a nut shell there is no way to get out of interpreting the Quran yourself, especially since only you are responsible for understanding the message of the Quran and putting it into practice.
Nine answers:
2009-09-07 11:20:50 UTC
Ello asker, there is a serious problem, there is lotz of confusion.

Submitters have their own Mulve.

Khalifites have their own Alim.

Reformist have their own sheikh.

Same goes for every sect and groups.

Every one claims to be on a straight path, who is on the straight path, Only Allah knows. Do lemme know when you get a clue. !!

Have a Good Day. !!
2009-09-07 10:47:49 UTC
NO !!!,

No such excuse would be acceptable !!!!!!!!!!!!!! period.

There are a few things that we should keep in mind. If you accidentally pick up something that is prohibited or enter a door that is prohibited but without a sign. You may be excused. But if you kill a person on purpose and tell in the court that you did not know that it is a crime. It would not be acceptable.

Similarly NOT studying the Quran as to what God has commanded is NOT an excusable offense.

Those who leave the matter on the shoulders of Aalims and do not investigate the matter to their own satisfaction violate one of the very fundamental commands of God.

Ref. 17:36

You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.

Besides that they ALSO violate numerous other commands i.e.:


Why do they not study the Quran carefully? If it were from other than GOD, they would have found in it numerous contradictions.

and ALSO 73:4 and 73:20


They fall into a category of LOOSERS. Their glaring condition on the day of Judgment is depicted in the following verses:

Ref. 25:30

They will go to their idols for help. But their idols (the prophets, messengers) : Ref. 30:13, 35:14

Mohammad will bear witness against the Muslims Ref. 25:30.

Jesus will be gravely dissapointed by the Christians and will disown them: Ref. 5:116.

the hadith compilers, the aalims) will disown them as well: Ref. : 14:21

And they will disown their own Aalims and hadith compilers etc. What a miserable fate !

Ref. 41:29
The Wayfarer
2009-09-07 05:54:37 UTC
it takes many years to learn Quranic Arabic. (and one should try to learn and understand the Quran... you would have be learning from an Alim ;) )

- Ignorance is never an excuse, Allah(swt) provided us with a brain..if we can make an effort to go and find the best schools and universities to teach then why can't we go and find the best ppl to provide us with knowledge of Islam?

Allah(swt) has clearly commanded Taqleed in the Quran:-

O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. (4:59)

SO, ask the people (having the knowledge) of the Message, if you do not know.(16:43)(21 :7)

MAy Allah guide us all and give us a better understanding of Islam
2009-09-07 14:30:18 UTC
[21:10] We have sent down to you a scripture containing your message. Do you not understand?

And most important of all, Allah says that even His revelations are not to be accepted blindly. The Believers (Muminin) according to the Quran, are:

"Those who, when the revelations of their Rabb (Nourisher and Sustainer) are presented to them, do not fall thereat deaf and blind." (25:73)

Thus, the Quran calls upon all human beings to apply their minds (with open minds, not with an a priori bias, prejudice or ancestral customized thoughts) to its teaching, and to strive constantly to grasp its meaning and rationale. The following commands are for everyone (and not just for the U’lemas):

"Do they not think deeply in the Qur’an?" (4:82, 47:24)

"This book (i.e., the Qur’an) has been sent down on you (O Prophet) that they may think deeply on its verses." (38:29)

Allah's WORDS are final i;e is Al-Quran following any thing other than Quran i;e man made books or hearsay is Shirk, no excuse will be accepted on the day of judgment, !

[25:27] The day will come when the transgressor will bite his hands (in anguish) and say, "Alas, I wish I had followed the path with the messenger.

[25:28] "Alas, woe to me, I wish I did not take that person as a friend.

[25:29] "He has led me away from the message after it came to me. Indeed, the devil lets down his human victims."

[25:30] The messenger said, "My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran."

the Subject is Glorious Quran in 25:27, and the matter becomes crystal clear in 25:30 , first Allah according to hadithists is commanding people to follow hadith as per their understanding of 25:27 , and then Muhammed is Complaining Quran Alone !! hows that , cant seem to apply their foged mind by bukhary and co !!
2009-09-07 11:51:34 UTC
Shah wrote:

No such excuse would be acceptable !!!!!!!!!!!!!! period.

Is Shah a god..? (Astaghfirullah)

How come shah gave such a decision / judgment.? Period.

In my locality the is an old man who is illiterate (chitta unper), the gentleman does not know a single word of salah in Arabic, but offers his salah in congregation 5 times a day with all his devotion, sincerity n love and surely will be consulting Alims. Period.

Do you think Allah will throw that old man in hell..?

Allah looks for sincerity n love in the heart of a believer and HIS remembrance.

Geeeeez i am appalled @ the IQ level of shah. :)

He quoted 25:30 but forgot to read what 25:26, 25:27, 25:28, 25:29 says. !!

That is why Allah commands us to think & ponder.

May Allah grant us hikmah :)
2009-09-07 10:12:18 UTC
YOU ALWAYS GO OFF ON ONE Life Guru !!!! LoL Al-Humdillah!

Well i would say that youve just got to ask Allah for the Answers (the truths) , to increase your knowledge and wisdom

and when you find the answers , ask Allah to give you the strength to be able to handle the truth.!


p.s I Like your blog!
2009-09-07 05:34:29 UTC
None can interpret Quran.

Allah guards the Quran and Allah guides whomsoever He wills and if Allah does not guide there is none to guide.

A Muslim submits to Allah's Will and submission leaves no room for interpretation.

2009-09-07 05:26:36 UTC
There's a reason they call that the "Nuremberg defense."

It wasn't valid then, and it isn't valid now. You are always beholden to your own conscience.
2009-09-07 05:14:17 UTC
A bunch of dead Nazis were only following orders.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.