Don't you Think Learning Arabic for every Muslim is a Must ?
The Seeker III
2008-09-13 13:08:03 UTC
I believe Using Translated Qu'ran and putting the Arabic Verses Aside would Actually Spoil it .
Same Goes For the Prayers !

Agreed or Disagreed ?
33 answers:
2008-09-13 13:24:37 UTC
I agree. Many won't since there are already translations out and you can just learn to read it, but can understand it from the translations. But to be honest, to much conflicting opinions going on about the message of the Quran because people use translations. I think if people learned to excel in Arabic, they wouldn't have so many arguments. I read translations from Hilali/Khan and he embeds Hadiths into the translation, making it more of an interpretation than a translation. Yusuf Ali's translation has some errors, but they are pretty major and change the meaning of what the Quran really says. Khalifa's translation is just awkward, deleting words, mistranslating, interpreting, adding things, and even translating words wrong. I've seen a lot of people cite verses from the translations to make a point, only ending up with completely different meanings than another person's translation (some verses), and that causes a lot of disagreement. I think everyone should learn the language of the Quran if they are able to, so they will know what is right and what is wrong and not have so many arguments. Arabic is a very complex language and not everything can be fully translated as is into any language. The word "beat" has only one meaning in English, while the Arabic word "Daraba" can mean: strike, hit, leave, deny, shoot, separate, abandon, roam, travel, shock, provide, etc. One word in Arabic has tens over tens of definitions. When you look at the English translation regarding the verse that the majority of translators translated as "beat your wives", you obviously have a problem there. So, I really think people should learn the language, because taking the English or any other translation, can be giving off the wrong ideas at some point, especially the more sensitive topics.


When I say people MUST learn Arabic, that doesn't mean you have to learn it or die, or anything of that sort. Maybe a better word to use is "should", but a very high priority. You go ahead and read the Quran in the English translation and see the things they negatively put out like "beat your wives" or "men are a higher level than women". It's all mistranslation and misinterpretation that leads to only your confusion, and everyone else's. Do you agree with them? Your husband should beat you and he is a level higher than you? Then believe as you please. Learning the Arabic language only clears things up for everyone, and for yourself. So yes, it's a high priority and everyone should do their best in learning the language. Why wouldn't anyone not want to learn the language of the Quran?
2008-09-13 13:59:52 UTC
God speaks all languages so if you wish to learn it as you can, in your native tongue do so, although to start you must learn the Salat in Arabic.

Allah (swt) commands for you to strive for knowledge, to learn Arabic

would be a great advantage. Learn as you go along, i, have an English to Arabic translation Qur'an and in addition learnt the al Fatiha in Arabic and in English due to the fact some of the translation in English is not an exact meaning to the Arabic word due to the fact there is not an exact translation.

I think it is important to learn Arabic, i don't think you will truly feel the magic of the Qur'an when you recite it intil you do so.
2008-09-13 18:10:23 UTC
Yeah i think it would be very useful, especially with so many false website's of translations of the Quran, also it just makes it that bit accurate and reliable.

I'd love to learn Arabic, to understand what i'm saying everyday in prayer and in the Quran etc, but there are no places near me that teach it properly. So :( I can't... I think they should have Arabic teachers in the Moqsues for those who want to learn.
Behind Da Veil
2008-09-13 13:50:04 UTC
Yes, Muslims should have to learn Arabic, cause we have to recite Quran in our prayers and that must in Arabic,

The Reward of 10 for each Alphabet, like Alif, we can get we recite Quran in Arabic.

Its Prophet saw's language,

Its Quran's language.

Its the language who God likes. other wise God could send Quran in Greek, French, Urdu or in English.
Silly Rabbit_<3's Life
2008-09-13 13:18:52 UTC
Personally, yes I do think so. When you learn Arabic, then you can pick up words here and there from the Quran and understand what you are reading and what Allah is ordering you to do as a Muslim (through the Quran.)
Hєвα >((
2008-09-13 13:26:35 UTC
i DISAGREE......arabic is a beautiful language...i have mentioned before and again i would love to learn arabic because i think its just simply beautful and the language Quran was sent in....but all muslims should NOT be required to learn arabic...

"Muslims Need One Langugae to Get United , Why should it be English and not Arabic ?"

because, we live in a world where almost every country speaks english as a second language if not in order to servive, we NEED to know how to speak, read, and write english.......where as Arabic, i dont think language matters for unity....if muslims are willing to give up the hatred caused by sect related differences and other minor n major differences...its all all really depends on your intentions.....if a man trully wills, he will find his way through it
♥ Twilight ♥ Edward Cullen
2008-09-14 12:53:11 UTC
im persian too :)

if u want to know how to read the qu'ran then i think its a good idea to learn and also if u fast and listen to the eftar on tv when u pray u can understand what they r saying :) but its not like its a 100 percent must and u r forced to do it

good luck! khodafes!
2008-09-13 19:46:31 UTC
I agree with Sarah deeply at heart, because Arabs raided Iran savagely, and killed and slaved our people, and burned the houses, schools and libraries (and all that they did in the name of Allah, quite unfortunately), but I already know Arabic. Not because we are asked in Arabic on the Judgement Day (that belief is really a BULLSH*T that Arabs are propagating.) Because I want to learn the true heart of Islam. Koran is the only reliable source for that.And I have found that the truth is way different to what Arabs did, and are doing. Islam is not a terrorist-bomber provoking religion. It is the religion of peace and reason.

About being united, you see, even Arab countries are not united (against Israel for example). Let them get united, then I'll consider the possibility of joining them.

PS. what Sarah said is not RACIST, but it is an objection to Arab racists. I have seen all through my life that all Arabs share one feeling through history: "they hate Persians". Tell me what is wrong with them!
2008-09-14 02:13:25 UTC
Good to know but not a must, reading several translations of Quran is more usefull.

A question for me is that why do we pray in arabic??!!
2008-09-13 14:04:24 UTC
Must is a strong word but should is good.

The original work sounds better in the original language, plus all translators put their own "spin" on each translation.

But what about us poor b@stards who just cannot grasp another language? Would you still love us:<(
2008-09-13 13:31:42 UTC
I really want to understand the Qur'an in its original context, so, I think learning Arabic is just a must for myself.
2008-09-13 21:10:17 UTC
Learn of every language is good ,but if you want speak and prayer with god why dont speak with your language ,Quran transleated to every language and you can read it to your language and muslims dont need one language to get united .i think your opinion is wrong .dont forget every religions like together and all of prophets told us:be truthfulness,dont become jealous,dont adultery,be liberal,dont robbery,dont sin,dont false,dont suicide ,be kindness with others like children,motherand father with your neighbours.they different in some dettiles .then i recommended you love your religion but without bigotry.good luck.
2008-09-13 13:27:20 UTC
its an obligation upon us as Muslims to learn arabic, and subhan Allah it is one of the easiest languages to learn and understand. if you know the arabic script especially (and many born muslims learn this when they're young anyway.)

here's some really nice and simple baby arabic lessons to get you to understand the language well insha Allah :D
leon adrianto
2008-09-13 15:00:33 UTC
Not necessary a must, but it is good to know it, then you could understand the quran better.
2008-09-13 14:14:56 UTC
That was a little harsh about not liking arabs,

..... anyway, i wish u the best with what ever u do
Pouria S
2008-09-13 13:40:24 UTC
Hi .

I think that it's a must for us . Actually we need to know this beautiful language . We are Muslim and if we know this language , it will help us .
the Lost Girl
2008-09-13 15:34:00 UTC
um...u are true...i belienve ur speaking..but our Qran has translated in's not necesary to learn it i think...and in our schools are theaches if u don't want to learn it...u fall down in examination..u learn some think in school that's enough to know namaz and Qran i think...

be well
҉♥Zainab & Ameera's Muma
2008-09-13 13:12:21 UTC
yes arabic is a must!

its the only way of truly saying your prayers and also for reading the Quran...

english meaning doesnt compare...
2008-09-13 13:11:07 UTC
Hmm well how to read the Quran in Arabic, yes but than you can read the translation of it in your own language to understand it.
Muadz M
2008-09-14 01:32:04 UTC
arabic IS the language of the heaven...

so why not learn and practice here first before going there?
2008-09-13 13:27:56 UTC
Are you saying that God is Arabic?

A Jewish teacher once told me that Christians and Muslims will only understand the Bible when they learn to read Hebrew.

My friend, your question should not be asked..this causes confusion and ans been the source of many wars that killed millions.
2008-09-13 13:27:56 UTC
Yes you are absolutely right.

Those translations have many errors.In order to understand Allahs speech accurately you must know Arabic.

I also asked a question about it few days ago.
2008-09-13 13:21:15 UTC
sure i agree, im a native Arab and i never seen 100% correct translation, also some Ayat can never be literally translated, because it is miraculous,,

Allah knows best
2008-09-13 13:18:22 UTC
Agreed :)

Its the language of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and on the day of Judgement everyone will be asked and answered in Arabic.Else it is very intresting language.

I am myself learning not just because i am in UAE but i want to learn
best 4ever
2008-09-13 13:16:16 UTC
no, it's not a must.

there are printed ayats where underneath every arabic word the translation is writen, but then again I'm not very religious how would I understand?
یا حسین Shi'e Muslim
2008-09-13 13:11:42 UTC
for me Personally yes but its not must i love to know Arabic
2008-09-13 14:11:48 UTC
not a must, but its better to.

better to because you can understand the Qur'an
Mama 81
2008-09-13 13:11:30 UTC
Yes I think so it is the language of Quran
2008-09-14 01:42:18 UTC

chon midunestam irani hastid dige kheily sakhtesh nakrdamo farsi neveshtam!

soa-le shoma harfie ke ma yani danesh amuza kheily bahash dar girim makhsusan ba mo-alemamun.adamaie ke bazi vaghta kheily kelisheiee fek mikonan o nemikhan ghabul konan emruz mitune 1400 sal pish nabashe va ba un moghe kheily fargh karde bashe.

be har hal man be aghideye khodam fek mikonan ke baraye inke shekle eslam baghi bemune va hame ja ghoran hamun shekli ke bude yad beshe yani arabi behtare ke un ro inshekli hefz konim vali hich lazem nist ke beravim va arabi yad begrim ta ghoran bekhunim.

kasi ke arabi balad nisto dare ghoran mikhune ta savab bebare be nazare man ye bot paraste.kari ke dar iran ziad anjam mishe!

maznure asli az khandane ghoran ine ke ma befahmim khoda az ma chi mikhat ya bebakhshid ino migam 1400 sale pish chi mikhaste!chon alan tamadon avaz shode,din ham yani barnameye zendegi alan ensasn kheily rahat nemitune barnameye zendegeie 1400 sal pishe mardome arabestano dashte bashe!

hala kheily dur nashim az soa-le shoma,ba tamamae chizaiee ke goftam man khodam dus daram ke hameye ghoran ro khunde basham va azash etela-at dashte basham.vali vaghe-an che farghi mikone ke uno arabi bekhunim ya farsi.

man goftam ke bayad baraye negahdashtane TARIKHE ARABIe ghoran uno arabi negah darim vali mitune hamin ghor-ane arabi dar akhar be farsi ham tarjome beshavad.hamun kari ke amricaieha ba shahname mikonand yani shahnamehaiee ke dar onja peida mishe farsi va englisi hast.
2008-09-13 13:13:14 UTC
oh i definately agree. and that first answer is so racist i dont think that you would walk into a room of arabs and try saying that
2008-09-13 14:10:21 UTC
well ya i agree n i'm learnin it too muslims are one so why not one language.......?
2008-09-13 13:12:00 UTC
i think everyone should at least try.

it is a beautiful language

2008-09-13 13:15:12 UTC
Agre with SARAH! Learn farsi. 99% of muslims can understand it!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.