I agree. Many won't since there are already translations out and you can just learn to read it, but can understand it from the translations. But to be honest, to much conflicting opinions going on about the message of the Quran because people use translations. I think if people learned to excel in Arabic, they wouldn't have so many arguments. I read translations from Hilali/Khan and he embeds Hadiths into the translation, making it more of an interpretation than a translation. Yusuf Ali's translation has some errors, but they are pretty major and change the meaning of what the Quran really says. Khalifa's translation is just awkward, deleting words, mistranslating, interpreting, adding things, and even translating words wrong. I've seen a lot of people cite verses from the translations to make a point, only ending up with completely different meanings than another person's translation (some verses), and that causes a lot of disagreement. I think everyone should learn the language of the Quran if they are able to, so they will know what is right and what is wrong and not have so many arguments. Arabic is a very complex language and not everything can be fully translated as is into any language. The word "beat" has only one meaning in English, while the Arabic word "Daraba" can mean: strike, hit, leave, deny, shoot, separate, abandon, roam, travel, shock, provide, etc. One word in Arabic has tens over tens of definitions. When you look at the English translation regarding the verse that the majority of translators translated as "beat your wives", you obviously have a problem there. So, I really think people should learn the language, because taking the English or any other translation, can be giving off the wrong ideas at some point, especially the more sensitive topics.
When I say people MUST learn Arabic, that doesn't mean you have to learn it or die, or anything of that sort. Maybe a better word to use is "should", but a very high priority. You go ahead and read the Quran in the English translation and see the things they negatively put out like "beat your wives" or "men are a higher level than women". It's all mistranslation and misinterpretation that leads to only your confusion, and everyone else's. Do you agree with them? Your husband should beat you and he is a level higher than you? Then believe as you please. Learning the Arabic language only clears things up for everyone, and for yourself. So yes, it's a high priority and everyone should do their best in learning the language. Why wouldn't anyone not want to learn the language of the Quran?