Muslims, Where do we find that Muhammad was the last prophet of God,other than his own words?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Muslims, Where do we find that Muhammad was the last prophet of God,other than his own words?
26 answers:
2008-11-18 09:32:39 UTC
God has appeared to many over the years. At the time whoosit spoke those words he may have been the last at that point in time. Since then there have been many others. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) have a leader who is a prophet and receives revelations and yada from God; as do other religions. Reference the part in the scriptures about Jesus stating that in his Father's house there were many mansions. There are simply too many humans running around for one person to be a prophet for all of them.
2008-11-18 09:17:38 UTC
For the sake of the argument let us say that Mohammed is not the last messenger of God. In order to affirm this statement the holy book (Bible) that came before Prophet Mohammed has to be 100 % accurate. If it is fully accurate it is definately the word of God right? But the Bible has several errors I am going to Quote and describe only 2 of them.

1) According to the Bible, Book of Genesis

Chapter 1, verses 11-13,

Vegetation was created on the third day along with seed-bearing grasses, plants and trees; and further on as per verses 14-19, the sun was created on the fourth day. How is it scientifically possible for the vegetation to have appeared without the presence of the sun, as it has been stated in the Bible?

It also says light is created on the first day where as the source of light 'The Sun' is created on the fourth day. How is this scientifically possible?

2)According to Bible Fowl has four legs.

Lev 11:20-21: "All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you." Fowl do not go upon all four. There has not been any fossils of winged creatures found that has four legs. Insects do not have four feet either.So therefore, it is not very accurate in describing Zoology.
~~Peace~ ~
2008-11-17 19:15:58 UTC
Peace to Everyone

Had Jesus pbuh lived long enough without being persecuted, abused, and tortured.. he would have lived long enough to explain why he was sent to the people from God.

If he is the 'son of God'... why did God only have one son? Why not have a boy and a girl? Why not have 10 or 20 children? Why let him die too early? Why not let him live a long life without pain and suffering and denial from the people? I am also curious as to how and why some Christians say that Jesus pbuh is God?

Each prophet was sent to certain people on earth. When the first was not able to fully deliver God's message, another was sent.

Lets not disrespect each other here. Lets not speak negative about anyone else's belief or prophet. Lets all 'write' respectfully for the sake of educating one another. Education is light. Lets enlighten one another.

Peace to all who read this...
2016-04-07 11:51:11 UTC
the lsat sermon of the prophet always makes me crying , even without reading , just remembering it , is enough to bring tears to my eyes, may Allah help us to be better muslims a true followers of the prophet teachings (peace eb upon him).
Pedram السلام عليك يا رسول الله
2008-11-17 09:38:48 UTC
no, Mohammad (PBUH) is the last prophet because the Holy Quran says so.

and the Holy Quran is true because it's the world of Allah.

and all the scientifical and mathematical miricals in the Holy Quran back this up.

on the other hand, history tells us that Mohammad (PBUH) is the last massenger of Allah.

do you know of any prophet that came after Mohammad (PBUH)?

i know there are some people like mormons who say they have prophets, but let's face it.

i was talking to a couple of them the other day, and they told me that their prophet hood has been going on about 100+ years.

and to that i say:

"well Mohammad (PBUH) at a time when there was no camera, no TV, no newspaper, no internet, no technology and no etc, managed to spread out Islam from the other end of asia and the other end of italy. this clearly prooves that there is a massive power behind him, helping him. but how come in the last 100+ years with all the technology and etc that we have, these peophets need to spent loads of money sending people around the world so they could advertise the religion. and who come there are only a limited number of people who know of your prophet?"

after Mohammad (PBUH) there has NOT been any other TRUE prophets, and everything (such as history and logic) proves this facts.



well he can't proove it

i mean i asked them why doesn't he go on TV do a mirical and "boom", everyone is a christian and they follow him.

and they said he don't wana show off.

and i was like "what? why?"

they can't prove it.

but today after 1400 years we can use the book that he gave us to proove he was a prophet.
2008-11-17 13:50:47 UTC
In Bible Torah, and in all other books the Book of Enoch and Daniel and so on, its even in your Vatican. When do you think you will end this, the more you do it the more Islam grows. Oh well thanks! ahhah

Ouzibillahi Mina shytan al Rajeem

Bismillahi Al Rahman Al Raheem

There is only one reason why I am here, to use living human beings as proof of The Lord. You all do it so well please just keep on breathing so we can use you as proof always. :)

[2:136] Say We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered.
سيف الله بطل ‎جهاد‎
2008-11-17 10:05:03 UTC
4:79 Whatever good happens to thee is from God; and whatever evil befalls thee is from thyself. [94] AND WE have sent thee [O Muhammad] as an apostle unto all mankind: and none can bear witness [thereto] as God does.

33:40 [And know, O believers, that] Muhammad is not the father of any one of your men, [50] but is God’s Apostle and the seal of all Prophets. [51] And God has indeed full knowledge of everything.
2008-11-17 09:43:33 UTC
Yes, since he said he was no other has come forward, the ones that did failed.......

No other person since Jesus (as) has had an effect such as Muhammad (s), this alone is proof.....



>He MUHAMMAD (s) stands in the record of the major prophets with clear distinctions:

1. He is a part of both world and religious histories. His message was an important factor in changing the history of the world, and no historian doubts his existence and his role in world events.

2. He is the only prophet who witnessed with his eyes the growth of his religion until it was adopted by a whole nation during his lifetime.

3. He is the universal prophet who was sent, not to a particular nation, such as the Arabs or the Hebrews, but to all mankind. From the Qur'an:

"Say, O mankind, I am the Messenger of God to you all, of Him Whose is the kingdom of the heavens and the Earth...." 7:158

4. His message clearly opposed all sorts of racial discrimination. Removal of all social barriers is an essential part of his message. White, black, red, and yellow are equal.

No race is superior to another race, and no nation is inferior to another nation. Man is to be praised or blamed only for what he does by his own choice. Being related to a particular nation or race is not our choice, nor is it of our own making. Our distinction can come only through our good deeds.

From the Holy Qur'an:

"Certainly, the noblest among you in the eyes of God is the most righteous of you." 49:13

5. He founded and established, during his lifetime, a powerful state, based on high ideals. The Muslim state was born in an age in which the government was conceived as a ruling body, superior to the people and imposed on its subjects without their choice. The people themselves never conceived their equality to their rulers, nor believed their equality to one another. In the teaching of Islam, the opposite is true. The government is a fruit of people's belief in one set of guiding principles. It is the legitimate child of their spontaneous cooperation for promotion of such principles. Thus, the promoters of such principles are related to each other and considered to be one brotherhood.

6. He defeated all his opponents, and no party was able to defeat him.

7. He is the prophet who declared the religious freedom when he was powerful enough to deprive many people of such a freedom. He and his followers were persecuted for thirteen years. He never spoke of religious freedom when they were subject of persecution. When he defeated all his opponents and was able to penalize the oppressors, he announced the following declaration:

"There shall be no compulsion in religion; the right direction is, henceforth, distinct from error." 2:256

8. He is the only prophet who declared himself as the Final Prophet whose death concludes the long history of prophethood. Prophethood was claimed by many individuals after Mohammad, but none of them was able to substantiate his claim. And now, after so many centuries since his death, Mohammad is still standing in the history as the Final of the prophets.

9. He is the only Prophet who introduced to the world a book that does not contain any human word. The Qur'an is not a dialogue between God and man, as the rest of the holy books; it is only the words of God which He put in the mouth of Mohammad to be transmitted through him to mankind.

Edit: Number 8 answers your question, and the Qur'an is enough proof for any Arabic reader be it Jew or Christian that it can only be the words of Allah not man......

The reason is that non had been able to produce or meet the challange of the Holy Qur'an to create one single verse......

Say, 'If men and jinn should gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even though they should help one another.' (17:88)
2008-11-18 07:17:45 UTC
he is a self styled god man who claimed himself as prophet after marrying 13 and 9 year child... great right
desert rose
2008-11-17 12:52:30 UTC
Hello and thank you for the question,

yes, prophet Muhammad was prophesied in the old and the new testament.

You know that the Messiah's spoken language was Aramaic.

watch a scene from the " Passion of the Christ" movie, where Muhammad is mentioned this :

First, it is essential to note that Quoting the Bible prophecies does not entail that Muslims accept the present day Bible in its entirety as God’s revelation.

John 14:16 “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.” (American Standard Version)

In this verse, Jesus promises that another “Comforter” will appear, and thus, we must discuss some issues concerning this “Comforter.”

Was the comforter or the helper; the holly spirit :


The Greek word paravklhtoß, ho parakletos, has been translated as ‘Comforter.’ Parakletos more precisely means ‘one who pleads another’s cause, an intercessor.’ The ho parakletos is a person in the Greek language, not an incorporeal entity.

John 14:26 is the only verse of the Bible which associates the Parakletos with the Holy Spirit. But the “ancient manuscripts” are not in agreement that the “Parakletos” is the ‘Holy Spirit.’ For instance, the famous Codex Syriacus, written around the fifth century C.E., and discovered in 1812 on Mount Sinai, the text of 14:26 reads; “Paraclete, the Spirit”; and not “Paraclete, the Holy Spirit.”

Why is it important? It is significant because in biblical language a “spirit,” simply means “a prophet.”

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

When we continue reading beyond chapter 14:16 and chapter 16:7, we find that Jesus predicts the specific details of the arrival and identity of the parakletos. Therefore, according to the context of John 14 & 16 we discover the following facts.

1. Jesus said the parakletos is a human being:

John 16:13 “He will speak.”

John 16:7 “…for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you.”

It is impossible that the Comforter be the “Holy Ghost” because the Holy Ghost was present long before Jesus and during his ministry.

John 16:13 Jesus referred to the paraclete as ‘he’ and not ‘it’ seven times, no other verse in the Bible contains seven masculine pronouns. Therefore, paraclete is a person, not a ghost.

Jesus is called a parakletos:

“And if any man sin, we have an advocate (parakletos) with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” (1 John 2:1)

Here we see that parakletos is a physical and human intercessor.

Finally, it is worthy of saying that the Prophecy of another prophet to come after Jesus’ departure was not that hidden, yet; due to distortions, occurred mainly during the translation of the original text, which in turn was wrote hundreds of years after the departure of Jesus, by many men, it is like a golden coin found covered with sand, so you have to clear the sand to reveal its genuine, shiny and orginal identity.

How could Muslims or Christians be aware of this distortions, if it was not god’s revelation ?? the truth has been revealed in god’s last revelation to all mankind, (not only to the Israelites ) through the glorious Qura’an.



Son of God, son of David, or son of Man? Jesus is identified as “son of David” fourteen times in the New Testament, starting with the very first verse (Matthew 1:1). The Gospel of Luke documents forty-one generations between Jesus and David, while Matthew lists twenty-six. Jesus, a distant descendant, can only wear the “son of David” title metaphorically. But how then should we understand the title, “son of God?”

And if Jesus Christ has exclusive rights to the term, why does the Bible record, “...for I (God) am a father to Israel, and Ephraim (i.e. Israel) is my firstborn” (Jeremiah 31:9) and, “...Israel is My son, even my firstborn” (Exodus 4:22)? Taken in the context of Romans 8:14, which reads, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God,” many scholars conclude that “Son of God” is metaphorical and, as with christos, doesn’t imply exclusivity. After all, The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion confirms that in Jewish idiom “Son of God” is clearly metaphorical. To quote, “Son of God, term occasionally found in Jewish literature, biblical and post-biblical, but nowhere implying physical descent from the Godhead.”

Another matter


When Isa (jesus) (pbuh) will return, then he will be sent to earth for a specific task assigned to him by god (Allah), moreover, Jesus was sent before, so how on earth do you calculate his second coming as a new prophet since he is the same person(pbuh)??

This subject is not written in Qur'an, but rather in sunna (sayings of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh), so you can search this matter by yourself, as this answer would be longer than it's already too long.

Hence, always there is not any contradiction in the noble Qur'an, yet there are always some who are not fully aware of its texts.


Muslims believe in Muhammad as a prophet because the Qur'an was sent to all mankind through him(pbuh).

We believe in Muses and Isa, also because it is written in Qur'an that we must believe in all prophets of god.

We have in our hand today the same book revealed to Muhammad (pbuh) without even any difference in one letter's pronunciation, so this noble Qur'an we sure it is Allah's divine’s words.

We have every logical reason to believe in Qur'an simply because it stands as a constant miracle, till our present day

Can you today show us the miracles of Isa -Jesus ?? you can't

So it's my turn to ask, how do Christians know that Jesus said he is god or son of god ??

Is it because Paul said so ?

Paul who has never met Isa (pbuh) once in his lifetime, and was the first to teach (the begotten son) doctrine, and what was his source ? dreams which he called them revelations !! honestly guys are you serious ?
For Christ (SOC)
2008-11-17 21:34:04 UTC
Oh yes, the holy Bible DID predict of people like Mohammed:

Deuteronomy 13:1 If prophets or those who divine by dreams appear among you and promise you omens or portents, 13:2 and the omens or the portents declared by them take place, and they say, "Let us follow other gods" (whom you have not known) "and let us serve them," 13:3 you must not heed the words of those prophets or those who divine by dreams; for the LORD your God is testing you, to know whether you indeed love the LORD your God with all your heart and soul.

Note also that the following verses turn to the idea of prophets of God.

18:15 The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you shall heed such a prophet. . . . 18:18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command. 18:19 Anyone who does not heed the words that the prophet shall speak in my name, I myself will hold accountable. 18:20 But any prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, or who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded the prophet to speak--that prophet shall die."

False Prophets CHANGES God's word.

A Prophet who claims to be so, but does not testify of Jesus, and does not keep the commandments of God is a false prophet. A prophet who completely contradicts the revelations of God and his words and prophesy is a FALSE prophet.

1 John 4:1-3, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world."

A false prophet has a spirit of the Anti-Christ.

False prophets are recognizable by their lack of adherance to Scriptural truth. Whenever a man teaches a doctrine that has no Scriptural basis, presenting it as truth, he is a false prophet. Although he may speak soothing words that are comfortable to hear, his message is not of God, but from within himself, based upon his own personal goals, lusts, and biases.

Matthew 7:15-20: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

False prophets possess the ability to reach large groups of people and seduce them with their wickedness, offering them hope in something that isn't of God. Amazingly, some of these practitioners of evil doctrine are so gifted in deception they lead professing Christians into their flocks.

Matthew 24:24: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Mark 13:22-23: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.

The Apostle Peter warned of teachers who would confront Christians with "damnable heresies" and would even deny the Lord Himself! As I continue to document on this website, these teachers are present in the world today, mocking the Word of God and compromising the Scriptures in the interest of political correctness and religious tolerance. What are these men? False prophets!

2nd Peter 2:1: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

Whenever a religious leader teaches a way to Heaven other than through Jesus Christ's shed blood and the grace of God we receive through faith in Jesus Christ as a result of His sacrifice made on our behalf when He died on the cross, we know that this a false Prophet, an Anti-Christ.
2008-11-17 09:47:03 UTC
it's in the Holy Quran.

beside, I don't think that you have the right to ask such Q.

I believe in Jesus peace be upon him, but simply I may ask you the same Q. and even more and im sure that you wont have any answers as the answers that you are looking for here.

Jesus peace be upon him never claimed to be "God" or "God's son", it's not even his "own words" it's Paul's words.


no he didn't

read this



well im sorry but you said it yourself:

John said, Paul said

that's exactly my point.

Jesus never said that he is "God" nor "God's son"

these are the saying of human didn't even live during Jesus peace be upon him time.

the article was written by a former preacher, I think he knows what hes talking about.
2008-11-17 09:40:45 UTC
The Observations of the Holy Prophet(s.a.w) About the Finality of Prophethood.


# The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: "The tribe of Israel was guided by prophets. When a prophet passed away, another prophet succeeded him. But no prophet will come after me; only caliphs will succeed me." (Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Manaqib).

# The Prophet of God (PBUH) affirmed: "My position in relation to the prophets who came before me can be explained by the following example:

A man erected a building and adorned this edifice with great beauty, but he left an empty niche, in the corner where just one brick was missing. People looked around the building and marvelled at its beauty, but wondered why a brick was missing from that niche? I am like unto that one missing brick and I am the last in the line of the Prophets." (Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Manaqib).

(In other words, with the advent of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the edifice of Prophethood has been completed and there is no empty niche in this edifice to provide room for another prophet.)

Four traditions relating to this subject are recorded, in Muslim, Kitab-ul-Fada'il, Babu Khatimin-Nabiyyin. The latter tradition contains the following additional sentence. "So I came and in me the line of Prophets has ended."

The very same tradition in similar words has been reported in Tirmidhi, Kitab-ul-Manaqib, Bab-Fadlin Nabi and Kitab-Adab, Bab-ul-Amthal. In Musnad Abu Dawud Tayalisi this tradition has been incorporated among other traditions reported by Jabir bin Abdullah; and its last sentence reads, "It is in me that line of Prophets came to its final end."

Musnad Ahmad contains traditions reported by Hadrat Ubayyi bin Ka'b, Hadrat Abu Sa'id Khudri and Hadrat Abu Huraira(may Allah be pleased with them) on the same subject with a slight variation of words here and there.

# The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: "God has bestowed upon me six favors which the former Prophets did not enjoy:

# I have been endowed with the gift of pithy and perfect speech.

# I was granted victory owing to my awe.

# The spoils of war were made lawful unto me.

# The whole earth has been made the place of worship for me and it has become the means of purification for me also. In other words in my religion, offering of prayers is not confined to certain specified places of worship. Prayers can be offered at any place over the earth. And in case water is not available it is lawful for my people to perform ablutions with earth(Tayammum) and to cleanse themselves with the soil if water for bathing is scarce.

# I have been sent by Allah to carry His Divine message to the whole world.

# And the line of prophets has come to its final end in me.

(Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

# The Prophet of Allah (PBUH) affirmed: "The chain of Messengers and Prophets has come to an end. There shall be no Messenger nor Prophet after me." (Tirmidhi, Kitab-ur-Rouya Babu Zahab-un- Nubuwwa, Musnad Ahmad, Marwiyat-Anas bin Malik)

# The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: "I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad, I am the effacer and infidelity shall be erased through me; I am the assembler. People shall be assembled on Doomsday after my time. (In other words Doom is my only successor.) And I am the last in the sense that no prophet shall succeed me." (Bukhari and Muslim, Kitab-ul-Fada'il, Bab: Asmaun-Nabi; Tirmidhi, Kitab-ul- Adab, Bab: Asma-un-Nabi; Muatta', Kitab-u-Asma in-Nabi, Al- Mustadrak Hakim, Kitab-ut-Tarikh, Bab: Asma-un-Nabi.)

# The Prophet of God (PBUH) observed: "God Almighty hath sent unto the world no apostle who did not warn his people about the appearance of Dajjal( Anti-Christ, but Dajjal did not appear in their time). I am the last in the line of Prophets and ye are the last community of believers. Without doubt,then, Dajjal shall appear from amongst ye". (Ibn Majah, Kitabul-fitan, bab:Dajjal).

# 'Abdur Rahman bin Jubair reported: "I heard Abdullah bin 'Amr ibn-'As narrating that one day the Holy Prophet (PBUH) came out of his house and joined our company. His manner gave us the impression as if he were leaving us.' He said, 'I am Muhammad, the unlettered prophet of Allah' and repeated this statement three times. Then he affirmed: "There will be no prophet after me'."(Musnad Ahmad, Marwiyat'Abdullah bin Amr ibn'-As.)

# The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Allah will send no Apostle after me, but only Mubashshirat. It was said: what is meant by al-Mubashshirat. He said : Good vision or pious vision". (Musnad Ahmad, Marwiyat Abu Tufail, Nasa'i, Abu Dawud) (In other words there is no possibility of Divine revelation in future. At the most if some one receives an inspiration from Allah he will receive it in the form of "pious dream."

# The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: "If an Apostle were to succeed me, it would have been 'Umar bin Khattab." (Tirmidhi,Kitab-ul- Manaqib)

# The Holy Prophet (PBUH) told Hadrat 'Ali, "You are related to me as Aaron was related to Moses(peace be upon him). But no Apostle will come after me." (Bukhari and Muslim, Kitab Fada'il as-Sahaba)

This tradition is recorded in Bukhari and Muslim in the account of the Battle of Tabuk also. Musnad records two traditions narrated by Hadrat Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ( may Allah be pleased with him) on this subject. The last sentence in one of these traditions runs as follows : "Behold there is no prophethood after me."

Detailed accounts of the traditions incorporated in Abu Dawud Tayalisi, Imam Ahmad and Muhammad bin Ishaque report that on the eve of his departure for the battle of Tabuk, the holy Prophet (PBUH) had resolved to leave Hadrat 'Ali behind him in order to look after the defense and supervise the affairs of Medina. The hypocrites thereupon began to spread insinuations and rumours about Hadrat 'Ali. Hadrat 'Ali went to the Prophet and submitted : 'O Prophet of Allah, are you leaving me behind among women and children?' On this occasion in order to set his mind at peace the Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: "You are related to me as was Aaron with Moses." In other words "as Hadrat Moses on the Mount Tur had left Hadrat Aaron behind to look after the tribe of Israel, so I (Muhammad) leave you behind to look after the defense of Medina." At the same time apprehending that this comparative allusion to Hadrat Aaron might later on give rise to heresies, the holy Prophet (PBUH) immediately made it clear that "There will be no Prophet after me."

# Thauban reports: "The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: And there will arise Thirty imposters in my Ummah and each one of them will pronounce to the world that he is a prophet, but I am the last in the line of the Prophets of God and no Apostle will come after me." (Abu Dawud, Kitab-ul-Fitan)

Abu Dawud in 'Kitab-ul-Malahim' has recorded another tradition reported by Abu Huraira in the same subject. Tirmidhi has also recorded these two traditions as reported by Hadrat Thauban and Hadrat Abu Huraira. The text of the second tradition runs thus: "It will come to this that thirty imposters will arise and each one of them will put forth his claim to be the Apostle of God."

# The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: "Among the tribe of Israel who went before you there indeed were such people who held communion with God, even though they were not his Prophets. If ever there arose a person from among my people who would hold communion with God, it would be none else but 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with him)." (Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Manaqib)

A version of this same tradition in `Muslim' contains Muhaddithuna instead of Yukallimuna. But then Mukalima and Muhaddith bear identical meaning i.e., a man enjoys the privilege of holding direct communion with God or a person who is addressed by the Almighty from the unseen. Thus we conclude that if there had been any person among the followers of Muhammad who could hold communion with God without being raised to the dignity of prophethood, it would have been `Umar.

# The Prophet of God (PBUH) said: "No Prophet will come after me and there will, therefore, be no other community of followers of any new prophet." (Baihaqi,Kitab-ul Rouya; Tabarani)

# The Holy Prophet (PBUH) observed: "I am the last in line of the prophets of God and my Masjid is the last Masjid (referring the holy Masjid of the Prophet)." (see footnote 3) (Muslim, Kitab-ul-Hajj; Bab:Fadl-us-Salat bi Masjidi Mecca wal Medina)

A large number of such traditions of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have been reported by the companions and a great many compilers have recorded them from authoritative sources.A study of these traditions shows that the Holy Prophet on several occasions, and in various ways and in different words made it explicitly clear that he was the last Prophet of God; That no prophet would follow him and that the line of prophets had ended in him. Furthermore, those would claim to be Prophets and Messengers of God after his time would be imposters and liars.

2008-11-17 09:36:47 UTC
Muhammad(pbuh) is the last prophet, it is not only written in Quran but also in bible,torah and the hindu scriptures.

check out these sites

Muhammad(saw) in the Bible

Muhammad(pbuh) in the Hindu Scriptures

Muhammad(pbuh) in the various religious scriptures
2008-11-17 18:35:46 UTC
It seems to me that people will always continue to find ways to reject Jesus as the Son of God...
2008-11-18 00:53:12 UTC
Yes the Bible and other texts predicted a false Prophet. That's why we Islam.
2008-11-17 12:28:24 UTC
There is no evidence anywhere that Muhammed was a prophet of God except for in the Quran, which was written by Muhammed and is not the word of God. Regardless of what Muslims say, Muhammed was not mentioned in the Torah, the OT, the NT or the entire bible. Muslims can quote scripture that says it is speaking of Muhammed, but anyone with common sense knows that it does not. Muslims say the bible is corrupted so why would the NT state that Jesus brought the final message from God and then leave in any verses that spoke about another prophet. This is just wishful thinking on their part and twisting the words of the scriptures to benefit themselves. It's a desperate attempt to try to prove their religion.
2008-11-17 09:53:08 UTC
Torah says that Muhammad (saww) is last prophet of Allah
2008-11-17 09:37:36 UTC
@Shaykh that is an argumentum ad populum i.e. 'a fallacious argument that concludes a proposition to be true because many or all people believe it'.

This is a logical fallacy- just because many people believe something to be true does not make it true. So your point that 'many people convert to Islam' does not in any way prove that Mohammad was truly the last prophet of God.

@Binte- no Mohammad is NOT mentioned in Hindu scriptures:

Nor in the Torah:
2008-11-17 11:55:19 UTC
Mohammed (pbuh) was the last prophet sent by god allah.
2008-11-17 20:32:46 UTC
LOL - Great question.....

It seems that Mohammed was the Al Gore of his time, making up things as he went along his merry way until he finally started to believe his own lies!
2008-11-17 13:01:42 UTC
He was a fake. They should all convert to Christianity the true religion!

I don't understand why they believe someone like mohammed over Jesus Christ!
Debbi (SOC)
2008-11-17 11:23:24 UTC
Excellent question!

Noor "beside, I don't think that you have the right to ask such Q." Why not exactly?

Edit: Muslima: That still does not prove he was in the Bible. You are all grasping at straws.
2008-11-17 09:57:42 UTC
It seems this whole religion is based on the words of one man.
2008-11-17 09:38:30 UTC
there's a physical, sensible proof that Muhammad (SAW) was the last prophet, there was a seal between his shoulders called the prophethood seal,,
2008-11-17 09:28:20 UTC
true dat!

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