Do you ever look at something and feel the need to say "Subhan'Allah"?
2008-10-26 05:34:52 UTC
For example, when I look at my cats and they either yawn or sneeze, I get all sentimental and crazy and "pooosssh".
Honestly, it just comes out of me. I can't stop myself from screaming "Subhan'Allah"!

I mean, how can these little creatures, that run into doors and drink out of the toilet seat, yawn and sneeze like humans do? They're just so cute and fluffy. They're the wonderful creation of Allah.

How about you, do you ever look at something random and think directly of Allah? You know, it's so amazing that you suddenly feel the need to praise and glorify Him with all your heart?
22 answers:
2008-10-26 12:54:18 UTC
Sister, I feel the same way you do.

Whenever I see my cats yawning or stretching or taking a bath...I'm so amazed by Allah's creation.

Whenever I see any animals, like birds, I say "Subhan'Allah." I appreciate and am thankful for all life on Earth.

And I don't just say it for animals, for plants as well, when I see a tree that looks so old and is so huge, I saw "Subhan'Allah."

I say "Subhan'Allah" when I see beautiful/colorful roses and flowers growing out of something like DIRT...I'm just so amazed by all of Allah's (swt) creation.

And I also say it when other things happen to me or when Allah (swt) blesses me and my family with things like food.
2008-10-26 10:06:25 UTC
yes. i say it a lot. simply because, many things amaze me. and it is just even more amazing knowing that Allah created them, and in janneh, there are things even more amazing.

for example, the wind. yesterday, it was very windy in my area. when a squirrel flew off the tree due to the wind, i said Subhan Allah because a simple wind, was powerful enough to get a squirrel off balance.

when i take a walk in the park. the beautiful deer run around, and the babies run to their mother's safety. i cant do anything but say Subhan Allah. even animals, feel safety with their mothers.

when it rains, all the animals rejoice at the water, and the plants grow. subhan Allah, we all benefit from it.

when i see a child, born different than the rest of us. all i can say is Subhan Allah. Allah has instilled patience in many parents' hearts. can you imagine being the parent of a child who has physical deformations? you certainly need all the patience in the world. i have two younger cousins, who have physical defects. i adore my aunt for all the patience she has endured. their situation is very difficult. when they were first born, all the doctors said that there would be no surgery for them. years later, my aunt was told that there might be a possible surgery that may, inshalla, help them. they got her hopes up. after examining the girls, the surgery wouldnt work for them. i say Subhan Allah at the patience my aunt has.

i can go on and on with my lists.

the beautiful radiant moon along with the stars against a clear dark sky, just leaves me in awe. sometimes, i fall asleep while watching the moon at my window. Subhan Allah

Subhan Allah w be Hamdeh. so many miracles of life.

the Qur'an is a miracle itself

have a lovely day
2008-10-26 07:47:37 UTC
I am a natue lover and I just can't get enough of Allah's creations. Even the lines or shades, whatever, in the sky awe me. I am like:




Masha'Allah the whole day, then I realize I should be saying, Subhan'Allah.. lol... Truly, Allah is great. I just can't get enough of his nature. Subhan'Allah
2008-10-26 06:06:24 UTC
All the time, and did you know that you get rewarded every time you say it? Subbhanallah

As for the new sis Fashion b.. the word means Glorifying Allah Its a word we say every time you feel the need to Glorify Him or even if you just feel like saying it to get by through the day.

"Glory to Allah" -- this phrase is often used when praising God or exclaiming awe at His attributes, bounties, or creation. It can also be used as a phrase of exclamation (ie. "Wow!").

Seek Peace and Truth
2008-10-26 05:56:33 UTC
It's a form of Zikr, I cant help myself, whenever I marvel at the brilliance and spleandour of Allah's creation or an observance of His wisdom I utter SubhanAllah, it particularly happens when I listen to Islamic lectures and the speaker makes a good point and often Im not alone as many of the listeners utter it as well. SubhanAllah

Nare Takbeer - ALLAHUAKBAR

Nare Risalat - Ya Rasool'Allah
2008-10-26 09:25:17 UTC
All the wonders of Allah's creation definitely deserve our praise and awe via the expression "Subhanallah!". Allah's creations are all beyond human comprehension and knowledge to gauge, and they deserve our praise. Who else other than Allah could have created such wonders that we see everyday around us?
2008-10-26 05:39:53 UTC
Yes i do .. when i think of the human body

that creation is amazing .. if you study more about it the more amazed you are and the more common you'd say "Sunhan Allah"

when your sick .. your body reacts in different ways ..

when your angry or embaressed your body also reacts to it .. you get red and your heart starts to beat faster .. all a reaction to your action

the nerves

the heart

wow .. :)

subhan allah
2008-10-26 07:36:35 UTC
All the time Al hamdoullah

I also look at allot of things and must say AstugfarAllah

somethings I have to say Ya Allah

other things I say MashAllah

and then there is manytimes I have to say

Ouzibillahi Mina shytan Al Rajeem

Bismillahi Al Rahman Al Raheem
2008-10-26 06:50:17 UTC
when I go out at night and sit on the back porch... I always glance up at the wonderful skies... and think... "Wow... Allah created that!"

Subhan'Allah.= Very true!
2008-10-26 08:18:02 UTC
Yeah! when i see natural beauty i just love it beauty of nature scenes and when children of my school in kindergarten and playgroups recite in praise of Allah and Mohammad salla la ho alhehey wasalam

in Fact if we look deeply around us then we all say Subhan Allah on each and everything
2008-10-26 11:24:58 UTC
yes I do, im an athlete and love sports, when I do cool moves, make shots and hear people cheering for me , thats when I say subhan allah cause if allah did not gave me an athlete body, how will I be able to do this.
2008-10-26 06:05:04 UTC
Yeah that happens a lot. :)

Also, sometimes I have the urge to say Assalaam Alaikum to my non-Muslim friends. I sya it so often as a greeting, and when they greet me with a hello, I often get a bit offended until I'm like, ohh I remember :P
Ѧashiq- Due 8/17 ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶
2008-10-26 06:26:29 UTC
When I look at the sunset and it's particularly pretty that day, I find myself thinking it.
2008-10-26 05:41:14 UTC
What does subhanallah means? Im new in Islam...i'm learning the ropes...can't speak arabic very well!!!
2008-10-26 05:44:38 UTC
whenever i see a beautiful scene in nature i say Mashallah La Quwata illa Billah,,
The Yaz
2008-10-26 05:45:23 UTC
The mo0n
2008-10-26 09:58:41 UTC that one girl i saw at the Masjid during ramadan, SubhanAllah lol jk but i knoww what you mean.
2008-10-26 05:41:26 UTC
well , sis it happens all the time...

and yes , i think kitties r one of the most wonderful creatures..

may allh bless us..

love & peace from islam..
2008-10-26 05:42:11 UTC
when I look at your avatar I said masha allah , subhanallah
Pedram السلام عليك يا رسول الله
2008-10-26 06:21:03 UTC
yeah, A LOT of things actually
2008-10-26 05:46:53 UTC
When i look at some small and cute babies i says "MASSHALLAH"

And when i look at the Full moon i says "SUBHANALLAH"
2008-10-26 06:13:49 UTC
ROFL, I don't have any pets yet, maybe I'll adopt a muse soon :)

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