yes. i say it a lot. simply because, many things amaze me. and it is just even more amazing knowing that Allah created them, and in janneh, there are things even more amazing.
for example, the wind. yesterday, it was very windy in my area. when a squirrel flew off the tree due to the wind, i said Subhan Allah because a simple wind, was powerful enough to get a squirrel off balance.
when i take a walk in the park. the beautiful deer run around, and the babies run to their mother's safety. i cant do anything but say Subhan Allah. even animals, feel safety with their mothers.
when it rains, all the animals rejoice at the water, and the plants grow. subhan Allah, we all benefit from it.
when i see a child, born different than the rest of us. all i can say is Subhan Allah. Allah has instilled patience in many parents' hearts. can you imagine being the parent of a child who has physical deformations? you certainly need all the patience in the world. i have two younger cousins, who have physical defects. i adore my aunt for all the patience she has endured. their situation is very difficult. when they were first born, all the doctors said that there would be no surgery for them. years later, my aunt was told that there might be a possible surgery that may, inshalla, help them. they got her hopes up. after examining the girls, the surgery wouldnt work for them. i say Subhan Allah at the patience my aunt has.
i can go on and on with my lists.
the beautiful radiant moon along with the stars against a clear dark sky, just leaves me in awe. sometimes, i fall asleep while watching the moon at my window. Subhan Allah
Subhan Allah w be Hamdeh. so many miracles of life.
the Qur'an is a miracle itself
have a lovely day