2014-05-18 06:23:51 UTC
Please see my answer here if you want to know the islamic perspective of female circumcision, as well as my comments to 'brian'.
The hadith that mentions that circumcision is a law for men and an honour for men - There is debates against its authenticity. See Silsilah al-Ahadith al-Da‘ifah by al-Albani, no. 1935.
Ibn Qudamah: "Circumcision is obligatory for men, and it is an honour for women, but it is not obligatory for them. This is the opinion of many scholars. Imam Ahmad said: For men it is more strictly required, but for women it is not strictly required." (al-Mughni 1/70).
The Prophet (pbuh) told a woman: "Do not abuse (i.e. do not go to extremes in circumcising); that is better for the woman. (E.g she needs her clitoris to have sexual pleasure) and more liked by her husband." (Abu Dawud, al-Sunan, Kitab al-Adab; he said this hadith is DA'IF (Weak)
•So what are your views on this issue?
How do you feel about the lies people spread saying its ok to cut off a womans clitoris (even though islam forbids cutting off a clitoris as a woman has a right to sexual pleasure)?
(Also keep in mind that None of the prophets wives or daughters did female circumcision and they were holy and our role models! If they didn't do it, then its a proof that female circumcision isn't recommended, isn't a sunnah and isn't fardh upon women)